Russia newly grants 3 Chinese aquatic products production enterprises to export products to Russia

Food Safety News 2020-12-08
Global Foodmate
On December 2, 2020, the Russian Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision Agency issued the instruction FS-KC-7/33475 on its website. Since the date of issuance, three new aquatic product manufacturers in China will be allowed to export their products to Russia. The details are as follows:

Release date
Company code and name
New product type

5100/02004, Chengdu Customs Food Co., Ltd.

Canned fish, caviar and its substitutes, etc.


3600/02034, Jiangxi Huchen Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.

Canned fish, caviar and its substitutes, etc.


3600/02033, Jiangxi Wancunquan Food Co., Ltd.

Canned fish, caviar and its substitutes, etc.

Please note: This article is translated based on Google web translation software, if there is an error, please contact us as soon as possible to correct.
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